Teaching Overview

Linglong PARK , Beijing
In this outdoor sketching activity, children (aged 4-7) and I went to another point the train of Linglong Park in Beijing. I divided the 20 children into 2 groups and gave them the basic requirements about the image. For the smaller group, I encouraged their parents to accompany their children to observe the train by creating stories and inspired the children to describe more details of the train and try to express their direct feelings about the train on paper. For the bigger group, I hope they can pay more attention to the whole outlook of the train and try their best to draw details as much as possible. All of the students are encouraged to use diverse materials and forms to beautify their image and in the last of the lesson, students can share their artwork freely and confidently.
Below the pictures are placed based on the age, we can easily to feel that children in different age have different ways to hold their creation. As teachers or parents, we need to respect the nature of the child and appreciate their artworks from their pespective.
Please remember to leave more space and time for children to bear fruits!

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